So Tuesday 9th April 2010, my first training flight was scheduled as a student private pilot.
I checked the Meteorological Bulletin one last time before leaving. It looked good, there was more than 10kms of visibility(6.5 miles) 7kt of wind at 030° no gusts.
Elevation: 614 ft.
Runway: 07(66° ) length: 2550m
Runway: 25(246°) length: 2550m
We met up, my Instructor and I at the airport,and after having a drink we headed for the the tarmac, now in appearance from inside the briefing room it seemed like a peaceful day with nothing to worry about, but when we first stepped on the tarmac the wind was blowing really strong ! It was confirmed later at the holding point, 20kt of wind !
So after a long walk towards the Aircraft the OO-VNI we finally arrived and we immediately started the preflight inspection, my instructor explained to me in detail one of the most important phases before flying. Flaps were deployed so we could check if the hinges were OK, then the ailerons, the wheels, the presence of both shakers on each wing, the oil quantity etc... Later we boarded the Piper and started the "Before start" checklist.
- Preflight inspect...........................................Done
- Parking Brakes...........................................Set
- Fuel selector tank........................................Less
- Master switch.............................................On
- Avionics and Radio.................................... OFF
- Mixture.......................................................Rich
- throttle........................................................Open 1cm
- Fuel pump...................................................On
- Magnetos....................................................Both
- Propeller.....................................................Clear
- Magnetos....................................................Start
That's pretty much all of what I can remember. lol
After this we turned on the radios and asked a clearance for a VFR local flight. Which has been approved of course! We are cleared to taxi to Platform 5 to perform our engine run up checks. When this was done we rolled to S2 holding point RWY 07 and reported ready for departure! and I misunderstood a communication, I heard <<Victor November India cleared Into position>>. And it was actually <<Victor November India hold position>> ! Anyways my instructor was in charge of the communication.He explained to me that I can only get three types of sentences at the holding point after asking for departure: Hold position, Line up and wait and Cleared for take-off. In this way there is no confusion possible.
I'm getting back to the story lol so we were waiting at holding point S2 for a Cessna 152 to land. Later on, when the runway was vacated we got cleared for take off.
Now this is how it goes: Oscar Oscar Victor November India you are cleared for take off, winds at 040° 20knots have a good flight !
Yikes 20 knots of wind !!! My instructor asked me if I wanted to do the take-off and I said of course ! I haven't waited more than a year an half to miss one of the best parts of the flight ! So There we go !
Full throttle ! After a short moment I had to apply a bit of rudder to the right due to the crosswind, and at 60knots I pulled gently on the yoke and there we got lift off. What a magical moment!! but rapidly my stomach realized that we were in really turbulent atmosphere lol but I'm not going to give up ! One year and half remember ? We climbed to 1500ft QNH and flew to Presles(point of transition) South east of the Charleroi airport.
Here is a chart for you guys:
At Presles we turned left towards east, and continued for a couple of minutes before heading north east to Namur, East from Charleroi. We climbed to 2100ft and then did a vertical terrain of Namur before heading for Gembloux, were we saw a farm of Geese. Then we descended back to 1500ft, and started doing some steep turns over some area north of Gembloux I think, I can't remember cause I was a little disoriented after those turns lol( hey for a first flight 45° to 50° of bank is a lot) :-) But what was surprising is, I maintained my altitude !
But rapidly my stomach started aching again and I decided to stop with the turns. Haha the rules of nature is way beyond the capacity of my motivation to continue flying(I guess you know why lol), we decided to return to Charleroi not because of my little disturbance but because it was time to go home. We headed west and flew direct to Victor(transition point) situated north of the airport. We soon got there and we integrated the left hand pattern for a short but sporty finale on rwy 07 there again I was in command but this time only partially, because of the wind the instructor helped me get this great plane on the ground, and we landed it really smoothly this was the second surprise of the flight lol. Fuel pump off we taxied to our parking spot, turned off the engine and everything else that could be turned off.
And later, we got off the plane. I spent 1 hour and 6 minutes in flight, this was one hour and six minutes of my life I will surely never forget.
I thank my parents for offering me the flight, and I thank the instructor for his precious help, and i can't wait to fly again, certainly in two weeks cause now, I have to bring good grades to be able to fly regularly. This was the point of no return(for the good grades and for aviation lol) I will never leave nor forget aviation it's in my veins. And it's clear I want to become a professional pilot, soon or later :-).